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January 05, 2006


Matt Singer

It might also get Wal-Mart on board with universal health care a little faster.


Hasn't Walmart been pushing for a higher minimum wage, at least at the federal level?

Both policy wonks and businessmen alike are holding their breath in anticipation of what will become of the behemoth in the face of such bills. Requiring it to spend 8-11% of payroll on health care, when it's often the largest private employer in the state, will get bloody.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here, but most businesses already cover their employees. In the case of my employer (under 50 employees) it amounts to about 12% of my base wages, and that's not even including the dental portion.

I don't believe it is as big a problem as the big losers (the ones complaining the loudest) would have you believe, especially if you look at the likes of Ford, GM, Boeing etc. They are finally starting to speak out now, which is the main reason so much attention is being paid to this issue.

In the cases of Ford, GM, Boeing, their costs would likely go down, making them more competitive in world markets, which ultimately will be a boon to the US economy.

Of course it will effect some small businesses, and the businesses who freeload off the system now, increasing their costs, but everyone in the US is entitled to medical care regardless of their ability to pay.

There is no free lunch, and someone ultimately has to pay for it, but placing the burden, of paying for the health care costs of the uninsured, solely on the backs of big business is unfair?



I think you read my post with a different eye.

As far as our system is based on employer sponsored health insurance, I believe employers should pay for it. It's absolutely unacceptable that big businesses who can more than afford the risk pooling/fee negotiations choose not to provide insurance or have strict rules for attaining it.

I agree that everyone is entitled to care, so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. I'm also more than aware that most employers provide health insurance, although it's not as much as you think: SURVEY FINDS STEADY DECLINE IN BUSINESSES OFFERING HEALTH BENEFITS TO WORKERS SINCE 2000 http://www.kff.org/insurance/chcm091405nr.cfm

keep coming by :)

I agree that everyone is entitled to care, so I'm not sure where you're getting that from.
??? All I was doing was ranting and emphasizing that point, and the fact that someone has to pay for it.
And that's because businesses are being forced to share a bigger and bigger burden, through increased health insurance premiums, of paying for the uninsured.

That's why a policy requiring companies to provide health insurance should not be limited to big companies alone.


I should have added that

insurance only works, when risk is spread among everyone who needs coverage to compensate for some potential loss. Health care, unlike most other things we purchase insurance to cover, is something that we all need, or will need at some time.
So to let some opt out of the system, because they don’t need care, or can't afford it (which there are programs that address that problem) at any moment in time, defeats the purpose of insurance, and is why the system we have right now is so flawed.

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