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December 09, 2005



In response to your last question... it might depend on what is interpreted as an economic crisis. I would argue, and I think some of the other contributors to the December issue of Health Affaris would agree, that the looming risk of bankruptcy of some of America's flagship corporations--Ford, GM--due to health and pension issues and the declining competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing plants--also because of the health issue (and unions)--will bring the Old Economy leaders to the table sooner rather than later. It is either GM or Ford, can't recall which, that has said that they would rather build a plant in Canada than in the U.S., despite the higher taxes, because the health insurance costs in the U.S.--which are a type of tax--exceed the difference in government taxes between Canada and the U.S. These are the sorts of things that proponents of universal or some other broad-based, non-employer mandated health insurance scheme need to be pouncing on. There is no reason not to have Bill Ford leading a national discussion on health care reform. Similarly with the CEO of GM.

One point that Fuchs and Emanual hit on that I would like to see you discuss are implications of the move away from cross-subsidies.


Martin, good to see you're stil coming by. It was Toyota that decided to go to Canada. I will try to comment on cross-subsidies when I get more into the article.


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